After many years on stage Sannie has decided to concentrate on the other side of the music industry, writing & composing for other artists in the business, both DJs & singers with names such as the Grammy winner Benny Benassi, Adam K, Ann Lee and In-Grid."> After many years on stage Sannie has decided to concentrate on the other side of the music industry, writing & composing for other artists in the business, both DJs & singers with names such as the Grammy winner Benny Benassi, Adam K, Ann Lee and In-Grid." />

Whigfield - Saturday Night [Official Video HD]

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Descripción del material:

Descripción del material:

Sannie Carlson (best known as Whigfield) is the name of a lady with Danish origins who decided to make a mark in the history of pop-dance music by selling millions worldwide.
In 1994 she gained a place in the Guinness Book of Records with the song "Saturday Night" as the first artist to go straight to number one in the UK singles chart with a debut single. Her discography is extremely impressive including numerous hit singles all over the world & four studio albums, a career spanning over a decade which for a pop-dance act is extremely unusual.
After many years on stage Sannie has decided to concentrate on the other side of the music industry, writing & composing for other artists in the business, both DJs & singers with names such as the Grammy winner Benny Benassi, Adam K, Ann Lee and In-Grid.

Duración del video: 00:03:59
Autor: Energy TV

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